
Posts Tagged ‘bed bug inspection’

What To Do About Bed Bugs In Comforters

When bed bugs enter the home, they will look for narrow, hidden spaces in which they can hide. This can mean that they can end up in bedding, linens and comforters. Let’s take a look at what to do when that happens.

What are bed bugs?

Bed bugs are small, flat insects that hide in a variety of textile materials and small spaces, and they will feed on blood. While they are not able to spread diseases with their bites, the bites can still cause infections and allergic reactions. The bites are also uncomfortable, and they can be itchy or become blisters.

How bed bugs enter the home

Bed bugs can take up residence pretty much anywhere, it doesn’t matter how clean the room is, or how often it is cleaned. Once the bed bugs start an infestation, they will not go away without the help of a pro. This means that you can expect to deal with bed bugs in any hotel room across the country and have some of them sneak into your luggage as you travel. In fact, you could even get bed bugs from bus or airplane chairs, so there are multiple ways in which the infestation can start.

How to tell if you have bed bugs in your comforter

It’s fairly rare to actually catch bed bugs out in the open, so you will have to look for other signs of their presence. The main things that indicate the presence of these insects are the stains that they leave behind, which are either brown or red. They are brown if they are bed bug droppings and they are red if they are blood.

Controlling a bed bug infestation

Bed bug infestations can be difficult to remove, since these insects like to hide in crevices and other hard to reach areas. This is why it’s best to work with a pro, who will have the tools and materials needed to thoroughly remove the bed bugs from the home. A DIY approach will yield very little results, and you will just end up spending more money on products that are not that effective. If you would like to know more about the bed bug control process, or if you suspect that you have a bed bug infestation in your home, contact us today and one of our team members will assist you with everything you need.

How to Prevent Hitchhiking Bed Bugs

Dormitory Residents Are Forced To Live With Bed Bug Infestations For A Period

Dormitory Residents Are Forced To Live With Bed Bug Infestations For A PeriodLouisiana Bed Bug Control

Having a bed bug infestation causes a lot of unwanted stress in a person’s life. For a busy full-time college student, the stress of daily life is intense enough without having to worry about bed bug infestations. Sadly this is the reality at a particular dormitory at Trinity College at the University of Toronto. According to students, the bed bugs are entering the old dormitory building through cracks in the stone walls. Pest control professionals have already treated certain areas of the dorm, but the infestations only seem to be getting more serious. In response to the widespread bed bug infestation in the dormitory, many students were hoping to be evacuated to another dormitory. However, this is not the case for the affected students as they are not being provided with an alternate living space by the college. Unless the students can afford hotel rooms, they are sadly forced to endure living in bed bug infested conditions.

According to a first year business student and resident of the bed bug infested dormitory, Amy Kim, both her and a few other residents of the dormitory first noticed the bed bug infestation last February. She says that several students, including her, have found bed bugs within their blankets and pillow cases, and they have been waking up with bed bug bites covering their bodies. Kim even went as far as to send pictures of her bed bug infested bedding materials to a news outlet in an effort to prompt the college into acting on this issue more quickly.

A Trinity College spokesperson has not denied any of these claims, but they defend themselves by mentioning previous efforts to have the bed bugs eradicated. In an effort to avoid the spread of bed bugs and to assist pest control officers, the students at the dorm have placed their clothing and bedding into plastic garbage bags. The hope is that this will protect their belongings from bed bug infestations. As far as Kim knows, the bed bug infestation in the dormitory is limited solely to the building’s main floor. Pest control professionals will soon be treating the affected areas of the dorm while the students remain indoors. According to college officials, this is a safe practice considering the treatment method being employed.

Do you think that Trinity College has a duty to evacuate students from dorm rooms that are infested with termites?



A Bed Bug Infestation In A Retirement Home Cannot Be Eradicated

A Bed Bug Infestation In A Retirement Home Cannot Be EradicatedLouisiana Bed Bug Control

Those who have experienced an infestation of bed bugs within their own homes would agree that the experience is traumatic. Luckily, there is always a happy end, as bed bug infestations are always eradicated, right. Typically, bed bug infestations are eradicated promptly due to effective bed bug-control methods. However, there is one particular location in Delaware where bed bugs cannot be extinguished. A public housing sector in Wilmington, Delaware is continually infested with bed bugs despite the efforts undertaken to have them all eradicated.

The public housing complex has long struggled to control their bed bug infestation problem. One resident, Richard Atkinson, says he wakes-up every night to find bloody-marks on his sheets. These bloody marks are caused by the numerous bed bugs that are biting Atkinson’s skin. Atkinson has been living within a bed bug infested housing unit for five months, and his apartment has been fumigated three different times. Amazingly, just during the last four months, pest control professionals have sprayed insecticide within the complex on one hundred and eighty different occasions.

These bed bug infestations are occuring at Luther Towers in Wilmington. There are two seperate towers simply named “tower one” and tower two”. The managers of the two senior living centers have tried to have the bed bugs eradicated numerous times. When counting tower two, pest control professionals have visited the towers three hundred and sixty one different times.

It may seem illegal to allow tenants to rent out apartments that are infested with bed bugs. However, according to Building administrators and city inspectors, the apartment managers are respecting the law and are following the proper protocol. Unfortunately for the residents, Delaware does not have a law on the books concerning bed bugs. According to the apartment managers, the bed bugs cannot be eradicated because several residents refuse to throw-out certain items that contain bed bugs, like clothes and furniture.

Do you think that living in these apartments would be threatening to your state of health?

Bed Bug Checklist Infographic

Bed Bug Checklist Infographic


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