Airports In South Korea Are Swamped With Illegally Smuggled Insect Pests
Unlike North Korea, South Korea is home to several busy airports that see vast amounts of tourists arriving in the country each day. There is nothing surprising about this since the United States, and other modern democracies, are on good terms with the democratic South Korean government. However, experts did notice that airports in South Korea stand out when compared to all other airports in the world. What makes South Korean airports different is the unusually high amount of illegal insect smuggling that occurs at the country’s airports.
Government officials in South Korea are now considering the possibility that airline travellers are not adequately screened upon arrival in the country. The concern mostly focuses on the quarantine system that South Korean airports have in place in case exotic diseases or exotic insect pests are brought into the country by airline. During the past seven years, South Korea has seen more than seventy thousand cases of exotic diseases and exotic insect pests being smuggled into the country by airline travelers. Between the years of 2010 and 2016 airport authorities intercepted exotic diseases and insect pests on 69,445 different occasions. South Korean government officials became interested in the amount of illegal insect smuggling after twenty five red fire ants were discovered within a storage bin at Busan’s Gamman airport just a week ago.
Asia was responsible for sixty eight percent of illegal insect and disease smuggling cases at South Korean airports. Asia was followed by the United States, which was responsible for twelve percent of the cases. Lastly Europe was responsible for eight percent of smuggling cases. According to a representative with the ruling democratic party, South Korea is falling victim to alien diseases and insect pests that are brought to the country from foreign lands. The recent smuggling of red ants served as the final straw for South Korea’s ruling government. South Korean officials working for the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs are currently increasing quarantine personnel at all of the nation’s major airports.
Why do you think that South Korea sees more cases of exotic insect pest smuggling than other countries in the world?
Tags: pest control